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May Client Spotlight: Robert


You’ve probably never seen him in our classes, but you probably know Robert. Being the senior administrator of the Tai Chi & Kung Fu Centre, he is responsible for all of the behind scene activity that allows the entire Centre, including us, to run smoothly and effectively. Not only is he Sergio’s right-hand man, he’s also a level 5 Silver Tiger Tai Chi instructor, and travels across the world spreading the benefits of Tai Chi. With all of this responsibility, where does he find the time to visit TriForce? Easy, whenever he can! His program centers around multiple 30-minute workouts, and Robert gets them done regardless if it’s during his quick lunch break, between classes or even before or after his long work days.

Robert came to us last year wanting to “invest into himself”. Since that first meeting, he has embraced his program and been driven to push himself each session (you could say that he fits his “Silver Tiger” title… #eyeofthetiger).

Not only he has seen tremendous results with gaining 10 lbs of muscle, but he has significantly improved his functional strength. In recent testing, he doubled his full range-of-motion push-ups and hit a new high on back squats at 205 lbs-- an impressive 1.5x his bodyweight.

Aside from his personal feats, he has been instrumental in the development of our Master’s Starting Strength Program, a pilot program aimed at folks over 60 who are looking to complement their Tai Chi program with strength training.

We are so grateful to have Robert in our TriForce community and can’t wait to see what he can accomplish next!

See what he thinks of his experience here.

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